Drinks with my favorite people, nights and days with the boy, and family time all the time?! What more can I really ask for!
Prior to all of this, I've realized that I've gained weight -___- and I look hideous now a days! Gross. So now running in the mornings ( if I can wake up) because during the summer I've been getting extremely lazy and in no mood to wake up and run or anything! -___- horrible I know. But I'm going to get my ass back into shape! :)
But this weather is great! Warm beach weather & its relaxing to me surprisingly! But what's really making me the happiest girl EVER, is that I'm seeing my friends more often, which makes me a happy camper :)
OH And I got to have dinner with my darling Casey! <3>
But to sum it all up, Summer 09' is turning into the best summer ever <3
Have a safe summer loves!